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Corporate Ecosystems

If we were to think of an office like a tree, 公司的诞生地和使其站稳脚跟的远见卓识者将被视为种子. The roots formed from that seed could be thought of as IT, acting as information conduits and the support of the tree. As it grows, the trunk...

By Ted Martin


January 7, 2020

If we were to think of an office like a tree, 公司的诞生地和使其站稳脚跟的远见卓识者将被视为种子. The roots formed from that seed could be thought of as IT, acting as information conduits and the support of the tree. As it grows, 树干的形成要归功于其员工的总和,因为这些人使办公室变得强大并高于其他人. The leaves are the projects born from the strength of the people, nutrient-rich ideas, and the supported climate in which it grows.

办公室是一个微妙的生态系统,必须有适当的条件和营养才能发挥作用和繁荣. 如果这个生态系统的任何一个方面缺失或受损,树木就不会长出叶子,最终会枯萎. Strong nutrient-rich ideas, well-connected infrastructure, 优秀的人才必须和谐地工作,才能产生充满活力的结果. 进一步扩展这个比喻,如果办公室是一棵树,那么公司就是一片森林. 最近的研究表明,如果森林中的一棵树缺少关键的营养物质, 附近的树木通常会分享它的恩惠来支持那棵有缺陷的树.  这与IBI等大公司提供的全球支持没有太大区别.

Typically, AEC公司依靠IT来提供包括硬件规格在内的所有计算机相关服务, licensing, servers and networking, communications, security and software. For largescale multi-office companies like IBI, 必须抓住节省许可证或硬件专门化的机会,这对设计至关重要. To ensure this happens successfully, IBI has developed a special division known as Design Technology (DT).   

DT的目的是使用主题专家(SME)来管理特定于设计的IT部分. 这些中小企业来自设计行业,负责概述硬件, managing purchased and licensing for design tools, create custom Installation packages, corporately deploying software, standards, training and finally troubleshooting files. These SME’s can belong to 3 variations of DT:

  • Support: 这些人直接负责回答帮助台的问题,并在日常操作中与用户进行交互.
  • Systems: those responsible for hardware, software and licensing efforts.
  • Project SME’s (BIM staff): the people responsible for maintaining project standards, 教育最终用户并推动过程的变化以提高项目成果.

这种服务粒度在典型的IT场景中并不常见, 尽管从硬件的开始到模型的最终交付,它都对最终用户有利.

In Deltec’s 40th annual A&E industry report for 2018, 中小企业的发展被视为当今工程和建筑实践中采用新技术的最大挑战之一. IBI在开发这方面的专业知识和技术方面处于领先地位, in some cases, 通过深思熟虑的计划和分析,已经默默地为公司节省了数百万美元. It should also be noted that high performing A&与同类公司相比,公司的管理费用比例最高, 这可能意味着表现最好的公司会不断投资于技术和周围的支持系统. 

This all brings me back to the importance of support. 是否经常被视为沉默的合伙人,其贡献在利润中是无形的. Yet without support much of the corporate ecosystem falls apart. 俗话说,没有人谈论IT,直到有东西坏了. 奇怪的是,对支持最多的赞扬和认可通常是在解决了一场重大灾难之后,而不是在维护生态系统和维持电力供应的日常工作中.  


Ted Martin拥有近25年的AutoDesk产品和咨询服务经验. 他的背景是土木工程,在加入IBI之前曾担任机械/制造设计师. 他现在管理着一个小型的专业团队,为多伦多的AG平台提供设计资源支持.

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